Below is a list of frequently asked questions about Mexico City AA and NA in English. You may email us with any other questions. 

Question: Is it safe to take an Uber or walk to the AA English Speaking Meetings in Mexico City?

Answer: All of the locations of in person AA & NA english meetings in Mexico City are in good, safe neighborhoods. Ubers from other areas around the center of the city will not be very expensive and walking from nearby areas like Roma, Condesa, Reforma, Juarez and Zona Rosa are all considered safe. 

Question: Are there any LGBT+ English AA meetings in Mexico City? 

Answer: At the moment, there is one explicitly LGBT+ English AA meeting in Mexico City.  It meets on Saturday but is open to everyone! 

Question: I am visiting CDMX but will not be available to attend any of the meetings on the schedule. Is there a way for me to connect with others in English recovery while I'm in Mexico City? 

Answer: We have a WhatsApp group for the English Speaking community so that people can look for fellowship outside of the meeting schedule and geographic area. Send me a cell number please and I can make sure you get added. 

Question: I'm looking for a  hard copy of the AA Big Book in English or other English AA literature. Could you provide me with some local resources where I might be able to buy AA Literature in Mexico? 

Answer: We have a healthy supply at the NomAAds meeting on Thursday evenings or send us an email and we can coordinate a specific resource with enough time. 

Question: Are there AA meetings in English in other areas of the city like Coyoacan, Santa Fe, Satelite, Lomas or other areas of CDMX? 

Answer: At the moment, the only English speaking meetings in Mexico City we know of are documented on this site. They are primarily in the areas around Roma & Condesa. We will update the site if we ever hear of other meetings. 

Question: This site seems to have more info on AA than NA. Is there a site with more info about English NA meetings in Mexico City


Question: Where can I find information about Spanish language AA meetings in Mexico City? (Donde se encuentra reuniones de AA en español?) 

Answer: If you are comfortable with meetings in Spanish, this is the directory from the general service for Spanish meetings in Mexico: We cannot assure you that the data is always updated. 

Question: I'm looking for a sponsor in Mexico City. What is the best way to find one? 

Answer:  We encourage you to attend an aa meeting in Mexico City and share that you are looking for a sponsor. Also, we have a WhatsApp group of English recovery folks in the city. Email us your cell number and we can make sure that you are added. That’s the best place to get day to day updates and reach out for fellowship.

Question: Are there any English AA conferences in Mexico City? 

Answer: Not at the moment, but check out Sobriety Under the Sun (SUS) in Puerto Vallarta or the Heart of Mexico Retreat in San Miguel de Allende. For more info, see Mexico's English AA Intergroup website: 

Here is another meeting list to cross check schedule: